all postcodes in PL20 / YELVERTON

find any address or company within the PL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL20 6AA 2 50.492588 -4.091055
PL20 6AB 0 50.490272 -4.086442
PL20 6AD 3 50.492722 -4.091739
PL20 6AE 0 50.491174 -4.086129
PL20 6AF 0 50.490891 -4.085046
PL20 6AG 0 50.491026 -4.08453
PL20 6AH 0 50.490242 -4.085623
PL20 6AJ 1 50.490782 -4.085563
PL20 6AL 0 50.489723 -4.083458
PL20 6AN 0 50.489585 -4.082084
PL20 6AP 0 50.488702 -4.079677
PL20 6AQ 0 50.490814 -4.084309
PL20 6AR 0 50.489693 -4.080073
PL20 6AS 1 50.491344 -4.082824
PL20 6AT 0 50.491199 -4.080886
PL20 6AU 0 50.491642 -4.08123
PL20 6AW 0 50.487393 -4.080437
PL20 6AX 0 50.49227 -4.082343
PL20 6AY 0 50.49272 -4.082856
PL20 6AZ 1 50.494049 -4.08142