all postcodes in PL20 / YELVERTON

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Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
PL20 7PP050.487067-4.113002
PL20 7AA250.480057-4.189554
PL20 7AB050.479218-4.188768
PL20 7AD250.479834-4.189008
PL20 7AE050.478484-4.18762
PL20 7AF050.480835-4.192691
PL20 7AG050.481093-4.192801
PL20 7AH050.482429-4.193526
PL20 7AJ050.481957-4.193292
PL20 7AL050.481333-4.192474
PL20 7AN050.481476-4.193524
PL20 7AP050.480436-4.19621
PL20 7AQ050.482157-4.19271
PL20 7AR050.479964-4.194046
PL20 7AS050.480649-4.197306
PL20 7AT3050.481851-4.196501
PL20 7AU1150.482098-4.194878
PL20 7AW18050.48063-4.1945
PL20 7AY29050.48126-4.196375
PL20 7AZ49050.479018-4.196497