all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 0RE 54 0 50.352533 -3.888145
PL21 0RF 21 1 50.3501 -3.888031
PL21 0RG 27 0 50.350077 -3.886529
PL21 0RH 8 0 50.352098 -3.885569
PL21 0RJ 21 0 50.351966 -3.884285
PL21 0RL 17 0 50.352966 -3.883621
PL21 0RN 7 0 50.351555 -3.883594
PL21 0RP 63 0 50.353779 -3.888996
PL21 0RQ 35 2 50.349956 -3.886201
PL21 0RS 22 0 50.353175 -3.886273
PL21 0RT 5 1 50.348002 -3.886349
PL21 0RU 5 5 50.389134 -3.918143
PL21 0RW 15 0 50.348043 -3.882147
PL21 0RX 13 0 50.395508 -3.917753
PL21 0RY 14 0 50.354052 -3.885478
PL21 0RZ 8 0 50.348497 -3.881336
PL21 0SA 15 1 50.349391 -3.866078
PL21 0SB 15 2 50.346447 -3.847209
PL21 0SD 10 0 50.353927 -3.822227
PL21 0SE 8 1 50.345462 -3.827455