all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 0SG 38 5 50.363112 -3.821496
PL21 0SH 9 1 50.356252 -3.841941
PL21 0SJ 4 0 50.358467 -3.855904
PL21 0SL 4 4 50.388337 -3.920643
PL21 0SN 6 0 50.348106 -3.885481
PL21 0SP 2 0 50.34619 -3.889521
PL21 0SQ 20 0 50.36021 -3.830481
PL21 0SR 6 0 50.343305 -3.87929
PL21 0SS 4 0 50.337475 -3.875476
PL21 0ST 3 0 50.331875 -3.861836
PL21 0SU 11 0 50.339731 -3.861747
PL21 0SW 15 0 50.389162 -3.917691
PL21 0SX 8 1 50.335477 -3.853124
PL21 0SY 18 0 50.392787 -3.925677
PL21 0SZ 24 10 50.389631 -3.919078
PL21 0TA 3 0 50.349389 -3.893418
PL21 0TB 23 0 50.350045 -3.901217
PL21 0TD 3 0 50.348929 -3.901791
PL21 0TF 2 0 50.345091 -3.906709
PL21 0TG 10 0 50.332787 -3.918203