all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 0EZ 3 50.393937 -3.888632
PL21 0SF 0 50.340432 -3.839751
PL21 0FN 0 50.390131 -3.919858
PL21 0FL 0 50.390093 -3.9196
PL21 0FP 3 0 50.387524 -3.860583
PL21 0FT 3 0 50.386936 -3.908725
PL21 0FS 1 50.355716 -3.887653
PL21 0FA 1 0 50.368967 -3.870263
PL21 0FF 0 50.350809 -3.893078
PL21 0FU 0 50.351077 -3.892076
PL21 0FW 0 50.350556 -3.891479
PL21 0FX 0 50.350729 -3.890798
PL21 1AF 1 50.385326 -3.927569
PL21 1AP 0 50.385326 -3.927569
PL21 1AR 1 1 50.385311 -3.927594
PL21 1AS 1 1 50.385311 -3.927594
PL21 1AT 1 0 50.385311 -3.927594
PL21 9AE 50 26 50.389204 -3.921703
PL21 9AA 1 1 50.385326 -3.927569
PL21 9AB 42 19 50.388917 -3.921691