all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 9DJ 14 0 50.386697 -3.924629
PL21 9DL 11 1 50.387569 -3.924678
PL21 9DN 3 0 50.387251 -3.924848
PL21 9DP 21 0 50.386365 -3.925164
PL21 9DR 5 0 50.387314 -3.925385
PL21 9DS 18 0 50.387041 -3.926682
PL21 9DT 2 0 50.387124 -3.926767
PL21 9DU 1 1 50.385074 -3.924872
PL21 9DW 28 0 50.386916 -3.925538
PL21 9DX 2 0 50.384616 -3.971752
PL21 9DY 3 0 50.384661 -3.972627
PL21 9DZ 4 0 50.384727 -3.971884
PL21 9EA 6 0 50.384457 -3.972942
PL21 9EB 67 0 50.385175 -3.974126
PL21 9ED 6 0 50.385259 -3.96967
PL21 9EE 9 7 50.384846 -3.971749
PL21 9EF 20 9 50.384708 -3.972995
PL21 9EG 4 0 50.384174 -3.97535
PL21 9EH 4 0 50.386115 -3.925562
PL21 9EJ 18 0 50.385414 -3.972771