all postcodes in PL25 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL25 / PAR

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL25 3DQ 0 50.350172 -4.765649
PL25 3DR 0 50.345329 -4.766674
PL25 3DS 0 50.346578 -4.76409
PL25 3DT 1 50.347043 -4.761938
PL25 3DU 0 50.347661 -4.763534
PL25 3DW 2 50.345214 -4.764545
PL25 3DX 0 50.34629 -4.762176
PL25 3DY 0 50.346928 -4.761102
PL25 3DZ 0 50.346435 -4.760652
PL25 3EA 0 50.346079 -4.761981
PL25 3EB 0 50.344496 -4.762353
PL25 3ED 0 50.345164 -4.759847
PL25 3EE 0 50.34639 -4.765949
PL25 3EF 9 50.344296 -4.760416
PL25 3EG 0 50.348156 -4.763929
PL25 3EH 0 50.347853 -4.766062
PL25 3EJ 0 50.349217 -4.768109
PL25 3EL 0 50.350442 -4.76804
PL25 3EN 0 50.345045 -4.762708
PL25 3EQ 0 50.347523 -4.764792