all postcodes in PL25 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL25 / PAR

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL25 3ER 0 50.349876 -4.767234
PL25 3ES 0 50.345524 -4.761878
PL25 3ET 0 50.345579 -4.760307
PL25 3EU 0 50.345013 -4.771604
PL25 3EW 0 50.345217 -4.765332
PL25 3EX 0 50.345151 -4.75525
PL25 3EY 0 50.351188 -4.769546
PL25 3EZ 0 50.351554 -4.769679
PL25 3LB 5 50.338691 -4.771573
PL25 3GU 0 50.338269 -4.762834
PL25 3HA 0 50.343532 -4.767694
PL25 3HB 0 50.343772 -4.764799
PL25 3HD 0 50.342605 -4.765462
PL25 3HE 0 50.34327 -4.767398
PL25 3HF 0 50.343426 -4.764596
PL25 3HH 0 50.336317 -4.748048
PL25 3HJ 0 50.342735 -4.767578
PL25 3HL 0 50.3444 -4.766016
PL25 3HN 0 50.343279 -4.763238
PL25 3HP 0 50.3409 -4.762664