all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 7RZ 3 0 50.348537 -4.901762
PL26 7SA 10 0 50.359545 -4.852839
PL26 7SB 3 1 50.357548 -4.912281
PL26 7SF 7 0 50.358805 -4.85586
PL26 7SJ 6 0 50.359132 -4.855373
PL26 7SL 3 0 50.359619 -4.857132
PL26 7SN 5 0 50.357385 -4.86019
PL26 7SP 30 2 50.343833 -4.848692
PL26 7TD 6 0 50.342515 -4.843273
PL26 7SQ 6 1 50.343371 -4.889191
PL26 7SR 17 1 50.344469 -4.860158
PL26 7SS 11 0 50.344246 -4.856054
PL26 7ST 18 5 50.340128 -4.862554
PL26 7SU 4 0 50.341484 -4.860822
PL26 7SX 7 0 50.342086 -4.871063
PL26 7SY 5 0 50.343755 -4.876295
PL26 7TA 67 0 50.353103 -4.858006
PL26 7TE 12 0 50.342023 -4.836608
PL26 7TL 44 3 50.341483 -4.844266
PL26 7TG 4 0 50.343854 -4.841215