all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 7QZ 9 0 50.357649 -4.870625
PL26 7RA 5 1 50.352174 -4.875623
PL26 7RB 1 0 50.359065 -4.855876
PL26 7RD 5 0 50.360173 -4.855844
PL26 7RE 11 0 50.360202 -4.855016
PL26 7RF 5 0 50.360076 -4.856485
PL26 7RG 16 0 50.359638 -4.855643
PL26 7RH 10 0 50.359783 -4.853767
PL26 7RJ 48 0 50.342253 -4.891877
PL26 7RL 21 1 50.340259 -4.890984
PL26 7RN 2 1 50.338475 -4.891424
PL26 7RP 3 0 50.340968 -4.892895
PL26 7RQ 10 0 50.359898 -4.85421
PL26 7RR 4 0 50.353637 -4.890966
PL26 7RS 13 0 50.340152 -4.889908
PL26 7RT 10 0 50.344248 -4.899884
PL26 7RU 2 0 50.345369 -4.898534
PL26 7RW 11 0 50.358602 -4.853879
PL26 7RX 12 1 50.344185 -4.902073
PL26 7RY 7 0 50.33742 -4.895886