all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 7JN 7 0 50.312368 -4.833577
PL26 7JQ 6 0 50.313561 -4.852472
PL26 7LB 13 1 50.34246 -4.885299
PL26 7LD 5 0 50.340476 -4.882295
PL26 7LE 18 7 50.338661 -4.879332
PL26 7LF 13 2 50.335696 -4.86864
PL26 7LG 14 0 50.332379 -4.865519
PL26 7LH 10 0 50.32811 -4.878581
PL26 7LJ 21 1 50.329447 -4.879056
PL26 7LL 13 0 50.33103 -4.878336
PL26 7LN 21 1 50.327394 -4.880604
PL26 7LP 10 0 50.328163 -4.885863
PL26 7LQ 3 0 50.335365 -4.853961
PL26 7LR 1 1 50.335172 -4.900596
PL26 7FF 1 0 50.319736 -4.898365
PL26 7LS 3 1 50.318456 -4.895562
PL26 7LT 12 0 50.320983 -4.87169
PL26 7LU 11 0 50.323016 -4.865586
PL26 7LW 9 2 50.325708 -4.881389
PL26 7LX 7 0 50.32891 -4.877505