all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 7LY 7 0 50.344203 -4.892684
PL26 7NA 9 0 50.359291 -4.854005
PL26 7NB 55 0 50.345088 -4.896899
PL26 7ND 69 0 50.346283 -4.896929
PL26 7NE 8 0 50.357405 -4.864114
PL26 7NF 38 0 50.345044 -4.888166
PL26 7NG 23 0 50.342935 -4.890147
PL26 7NH 4 0 50.34321 -4.889559
PL26 7NJ 20 0 50.343628 -4.888671
PL26 7NL 3 0 50.344158 -4.888366
PL26 7NN 28 6 50.343966 -4.890645
PL26 7NP 6 0 50.344379 -4.89067
PL26 7NQ 8 1 50.342953 -4.887618
PL26 7NR 9 0 50.344944 -4.890733
PL26 7NS 7 1 50.345725 -4.890822
PL26 7NT 8 0 50.343229 -4.891683
PL26 7NU 5 0 50.34394 -4.893132
PL26 7NW 6 1 50.345363 -4.890885
PL26 7NX 4 0 50.343804 -4.892814
PL26 7NY 5 0 50.344097 -4.893675