all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 7PZ 37 0 50.348481 -4.892494
PL26 7QA 5 0 50.350092 -4.892086
PL26 7QB 12 1 50.349389 -4.897568
PL26 7QD 5 0 50.348878 -4.889158
PL26 7QE 1 0 50.354254 -4.889654
PL26 7QF 2 2 50.357345 -4.881786
PL26 7QG 12 0 50.354402 -4.892025
PL26 7QH 13 0 50.35488 -4.895217
PL26 7QJ 6 0 50.359173 -4.892273
PL26 7QL 18 1 50.365267 -4.89066
PL26 7QN 27 1 50.366027 -4.892985
PL26 7SW 5 0 50.370922 -4.900526
PL26 7QP 48 1 50.3722 -4.898691
PL26 7QQ 22 1 50.356018 -4.892448
PL26 7QR 6 0 50.371528 -4.897117
PL26 7QS 6 0 50.372062 -4.89843
PL26 7QT 6 0 50.371044 -4.897074
PL26 7QW 13 0 50.370743 -4.895438
PL26 7QX 16 1 50.359779 -4.876912
PL26 7QY 3 0 50.363215 -4.874715