all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 6NX 2 0 50.241723 -4.789802
PL26 6NY 23 0 50.235225 -4.802634
PL26 6NZ 48 0 50.24266 -4.790598
PL26 6PA 21 0 50.242579 -4.792487
PL26 6PB 12 0 50.243551 -4.790959
PL26 6PF 14 0 50.265251 -4.787078
PL26 6PG 1 0 50.266809 -4.788123
PL26 6PH 8 0 50.264028 -4.784831
PL26 6PJ 10 0 50.262834 -4.784734
PL26 6PL 21 1 50.262749 -4.785895
PL26 6PN 16 0 50.261849 -4.786009
PL26 6PP 20 0 50.260638 -4.783651
PL26 6PQ 3 0 50.263554 -4.792199
PL26 6PR 3 0 50.25667 -4.768857
PL26 6PS 7 0 50.259955 -4.787247
PL26 6PT 5 1 50.257731 -4.784843
PL26 6PU 1 0 50.2589 -4.800556
PL26 6PW 1 0 50.261175 -4.784861
PL26 6PX 6 0 50.26136 -4.785405
PL26 6QD 3 0 50.269647 -4.796906