all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 6QH 17 2 50.270355 -4.786562
PL26 6QJ 21 0 50.270604 -4.786296
PL26 6QL 12 0 50.271071 -4.786716
PL26 6QN 11 0 50.271572 -4.786451
PL26 6QP 6 0 50.271091 -4.785131
PL26 6QQ 17 3 50.270373 -4.784151
PL26 6QR 9 0 50.270457 -4.786442
PL26 6QS 10 0 50.270825 -4.78558
PL26 6QT 28 0 50.270371 -4.785131
PL26 6QU 3 1 50.269676 -4.787126
PL26 6QW 11 1 50.272558 -4.786971
PL26 6QX 29 0 50.271991 -4.785872
PL26 6QY 6 0 50.271504 -4.785156
PL26 6QZ 12 0 50.271075 -4.786899
PL26 6RA 1 0 50.270632 -4.786999
PL26 6RB 39 0 50.270293 -4.793253
PL26 6RD 17 1 50.270057 -4.788117
PL26 6RE 17 0 50.270126 -4.788963
PL26 6RF 31 0 50.269845 -4.79355
PL26 6RX 54 2 50.271145 -4.79225