all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 6EL 8 0 50.531156 -4.802459
PL27 6EN 16 0 50.541388 -4.823136
PL27 6EP 20 0 50.549703 -4.813682
PL27 6EQ 3 0 50.524831 -4.838136
PL27 6ER 11 0 50.554489 -4.81552
PL27 6ES 8 0 50.554087 -4.833922
PL27 6ET 2 0 50.551875 -4.839095
PL27 6EU 50 2 50.544804 -4.828396
PL27 6EW 15 0 50.541432 -4.836451
PL27 6EX 2 0 50.534845 -4.844367
PL27 6EY 3 0 50.526617 -4.832416
PL27 6HA 1 0 50.513923 -4.819904
PL27 6HB 56 43 50.520121 -4.823236
PL27 6HE 5 0 50.514163 -4.819636
PL27 6HF 5 5 50.521923 -4.839752
PL27 6HH 9 0 50.519267 -4.825048
PL27 6HJ 7 0 50.520141 -4.817987
PL27 6HL 2 0 50.516571 -4.821259
PL27 6HN 6 0 50.515674 -4.821871
PL27 6HP 7 0 50.513426 -4.821849