all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 6HQ 1 1 50.520869 -4.824636
PL27 6HR 19 0 50.513903 -4.821142
PL27 6JR 1 0 50.513461 -4.821172
PL27 6HS 2 0 50.513131 -4.821421
PL27 6HT 21 1 50.513459 -4.82013
PL27 6HU 3 0 50.51431 -4.816934
PL27 6HW 22 0 50.515032 -4.82052
PL27 6HX 16 0 50.519162 -4.807107
PL27 6HY 4 0 50.512583 -4.818399
PL27 6HZ 15 1 50.510886 -4.815322
PL27 6JA 4 2 50.509491 -4.808623
PL27 6JB 18 2 50.509122 -4.8053
PL27 6JD 7 2 50.508573 -4.806072
PL27 6JE 3 0 50.5061 -4.799324
PL27 6JF 12 0 50.507224 -4.79073
PL27 6JG 12 0 50.509854 -4.775524
PL27 6JH 5 0 50.512004 -4.799194
PL27 6JL 4 0 50.54492 -4.919116
PL27 6JQ 13 1 50.521674 -4.791287
PL27 6JS 2 2 50.546479 -4.906789