all postcodes in PL28 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL28 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL28 8RP 1 50.542609 -4.945822
PL28 8RR 0 50.549807 -4.949687
PL28 8RS 0 50.538721 -4.952326
PL28 8RT 0 50.535833 -4.951962
PL28 8RU 1 50.538766 -4.958314
PL28 8RW 13 50.53565 -4.953531
PL28 8RX 0 50.536625 -4.963981
PL28 8RY 0 50.536577 -4.969383
PL28 8RZ 0 50.537761 -4.970573
PL28 8SA 0 50.537128 -4.986229
PL28 8SB 3 50.538799 -4.998134
PL28 8SD 0 50.538691 -4.999214
PL28 8SE 2 50.53801 -4.998747
PL28 8SF 0 50.533738 -4.994186
PL28 8SG 1 50.531137 -4.996759
PL28 8SH 0 50.54046 -5.023719
PL28 8SL 2 50.543339 -5.017833
PL28 8SP 0 50.537221 -4.942635
PL28 8SQ 1 50.538413 -5.002993
PL28 8TD 0 50.511909 -4.979064