all postcodes in PL28 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL28 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL28 8NA 0 50.525933 -4.991349
PL28 8NB 1 50.530272 -4.983424
PL28 8ND 1 50.529051 -4.984053
PL28 8NE 0 50.53072 -4.990227
PL28 8NF 4 50.52581 -4.990819
PL28 8NG 5 50.526595 -4.990361
PL28 8NH 0 50.52321 -4.989427
PL28 8NJ 0 50.52201 -4.989253
PL28 8NL 0 50.520809 -4.987709
PL28 8NN 0 50.522618 -4.987583
PL28 8NP 3 50.523512 -4.996262
PL28 8NQ 0 50.524714 -4.99075
PL28 8NR 0 50.523484 -4.995597
PL28 8LY 0 50.527106 -4.992538
PL28 8NS 0 50.526886 -4.992341
PL28 8NT 0 50.527096 -4.991846
PL28 8NU 0 50.527595 -4.991341
PL28 8NW 0 50.524874 -4.989067
PL28 8NX 0 50.524375 -4.989599
PL28 8NY 0 50.527773 -4.99354