all postcodes in PL29 / PORT ISAAC

find any address or company within the PL29 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL29 3SB 5 50.594138 -4.829658
PL29 3SD 2 50.592858 -4.829016
PL29 3SE 0 50.593235 -4.827922
PL29 3SG 0 50.59369 -4.826675
PL29 3SH 0 50.593725 -4.821451
PL29 3SJ 0 50.59391 -4.813503
PL29 3SL 0 50.590741 -4.826204
PL29 3SN 0 50.591213 -4.827871
PL29 3SP 0 50.589564 -4.832068
PL29 3SQ 3 50.592022 -4.821657
PL29 3SR 0 50.586578 -4.835718
PL29 3SS 0 50.58914 -4.845014
PL29 3ST 0 50.583576 -4.853365
PL29 3SU 0 50.588813 -4.867517
PL29 3SX 0 50.579299 -4.795736
PL29 3SY 0 50.578148 -4.81659
PL29 3SZ 0 50.580514 -4.805743
PL29 3TA 0 50.575732 -4.800808
PL29 3TB 0 50.589102 -4.794597
PL29 3TE 0 50.579214 -4.840036