all postcodes in PL29 / PORT ISAAC

find any address or company within the PL29 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL29 3TF 1 50.580711 -4.842104
PL29 3TG 0 50.577764 -4.838336
PL29 3TH 0 50.578626 -4.839789
PL29 3TJ 0 50.577343 -4.841901
PL29 3TL 0 50.576533 -4.840072
PL29 3TN 0 50.567877 -4.849817
PL29 3TP 0 50.570922 -4.832983
PL29 3TQ 0 50.577724 -4.839551
PL29 3TR 1 50.589808 -4.824594
PL29 3TS 1 50.565298 -4.821588
PL29 3TT 2 50.565961 -4.829451
PL29 3TU 0 50.590694 -4.828872
PL29 3TW 2 50.57227 -4.852923
PL29 3TX 0 50.578597 -4.838798
PL29 3TY 0 50.57716 -4.83648
PL29 3AB 0 50.594433 -4.82935
PL29 3AD 0 50.577091 -4.837886