all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 2DP 12 4 50.471111 -4.717327
PL31 2DQ 2 2 50.470233 -4.718275
PL31 2DS 30 3 50.471524 -4.718901
PL31 2DT 18 0 50.472199 -4.717289
PL31 2DU 21 1 50.472802 -4.716153
PL31 2DY 22 1 50.475134 -4.712991
PL31 2DX 37 0 50.47258 -4.715636
PL31 2DZ 4 2 50.480136 -4.705214
PL31 2EA 8 0 50.471995 -4.715687
PL31 2EB 4 0 50.473557 -4.718511
PL31 2ED 3 0 50.473814 -4.71596
PL31 2EE 13 0 50.47494 -4.714361
PL31 2EF 2 0 50.475526 -4.71466
PL31 2EG 8 0 50.475525 -4.713591
PL31 2EH 7 0 50.474668 -4.7156
PL31 2EJ 8 0 50.474783 -4.717622
PL31 2EL 55 1 50.473103 -4.717904
PL31 2EP 38 0 50.473262 -4.719945
PL31 2EQ 18 0 50.475562 -4.715059
PL31 2ER 4 0 50.474329 -4.718569