all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 2ES 85 0 50.474426 -4.719815
PL31 2ET 50 0 50.474929 -4.721352
PL31 2EU 55 2 50.475246 -4.723583
PL31 2EW 6 0 50.473312 -4.71665
PL31 2EX 99 0 50.474417 -4.723268
PL31 2EY 11 0 50.476263 -4.713944
PL31 2EZ 29 0 50.47219 -4.705775
PL31 2FL 4 0 50.474099 -4.716484
PL31 2HA 9 1 50.471717 -4.717923
PL31 2HB 35 1 50.472701 -4.72011
PL31 2HD 10 0 50.471594 -4.705487
PL31 2HE 21 0 50.471459 -4.706636
PL31 2HL 13 8 50.47113 -4.721134
PL31 2HP 1 1 50.471078 -4.721032
PL31 2HQ 26 16 50.470922 -4.719642
PL31 2HR 49 16 50.471186 -4.722589
PL31 2HT 12 9 50.471174 -4.719614
PL31 2HU 1 1 50.471098 -4.719018
PL31 2HW 1 1 50.47101 -4.720873
PL31 2HX 1 1 50.471212 -4.719137