all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 1DG 22 0 50.460243 -4.709687
PL31 1DH 26 0 50.463065 -4.714794
PL31 1DJ 27 0 50.46581 -4.709329
PL31 1DL 31 0 50.456954 -4.709964
PL31 1DN 89 0 50.456787 -4.707474
PL31 1DQ 22 16 50.458484 -4.708741
PL31 1DR 1 1 50.45751 -4.701513
PL31 1DS 46 1 50.466596 -4.712671
PL31 1DT 38 0 50.465559 -4.711611
PL31 1DU 7 3 50.465705 -4.715002
PL31 1DW 1 1 50.459367 -4.702098
PL31 1DX 9 1 50.464292 -4.708875
PL31 1DY 5 0 50.462134 -4.70689
PL31 1DZ 1 1 50.459817 -4.702476
PL31 1EA 51 0 50.460013 -4.71724
PL31 1EB 9 5 50.463288 -4.710253
PL31 1EG 1 1 50.465085 -4.714936
PL31 1EH 42 0 50.462271 -4.708351
PL31 1EJ 12 0 50.461469 -4.706868
PL31 1EL 26 0 50.460811 -4.70576