all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 1EN 34 0 50.460836 -4.707029
PL31 1EP 27 17 50.458895 -4.699197
PL31 1ER 1 1 50.46251 -4.712381
PL31 1ES 26 4 50.462685 -4.710644
PL31 1ET 2 1 50.461872 -4.710384
PL31 1EU 13 11 50.461276 -4.708224
PL31 1EW 12 0 50.460415 -4.705004
PL31 1EX 25 16 50.459954 -4.707399
PL31 1EY 17 11 50.459354 -4.704575
PL31 1EZ 11 11 50.458115 -4.702957
PL31 1HA 11 8 50.458602 -4.705561
PL31 1HB 2 0 50.460471 -4.702976
PL31 1HD 1 0 50.459229 -4.696426
PL31 1HE 4 0 50.465439 -4.697805
PL31 1HF 1 1 50.470854 -4.699751
PL31 1HG 2 0 50.464346 -4.697588
PL31 1HJ 1 0 50.470769 -4.730401
PL31 1HL 9 0 50.470812 -4.729713
PL31 1HP 71 0 50.460297 -4.718933
PL31 1HQ 1 0 50.467284 -4.707088