all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 1PB 54 0 50.464529 -4.731408
PL31 1PD 60 0 50.463824 -4.730804
PL31 1PE 32 0 50.463538 -4.733789
PL31 1PF 30 0 50.465181 -4.733898
PL31 1PG 30 0 50.463406 -4.732497
PL31 1PH 26 0 50.465037 -4.731619
PL31 1PJ 34 0 50.463976 -4.733152
PL31 1PL 24 0 50.46466 -4.732741
PL31 1PN 13 0 50.465354 -4.732696
PL31 1PP 9 0 50.464047 -4.735073
PL31 1PQ 26 0 50.464154 -4.732077
PL31 1PR 10 0 50.462397 -4.73564
PL31 1PS 66 0 50.462219 -4.734009
PL31 1PT 20 0 50.46224 -4.73618
PL31 1PU 46 0 50.461368 -4.73465
PL31 1PW 18 0 50.463342 -4.734454
PL31 1PX 17 0 50.46304 -4.736212
PL31 1PY 15 0 50.462715 -4.733206
PL31 1QA 27 0 50.468022 -4.74008
PL31 1QB 6 0 50.467807 -4.738531