all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 1NB 38 1 50.470656 -4.725222
PL31 1ND 19 0 50.468442 -4.727603
PL31 1NE 8 0 50.467654 -4.733956
PL31 1NF 22 0 50.469242 -4.733707
PL31 1NG 20 1 50.468168 -4.734254
PL31 1NH 25 0 50.46424 -4.73607
PL31 1NJ 17 0 50.466533 -4.735315
PL31 1NL 21 0 50.464333 -4.736682
PL31 1NN 7 0 50.462876 -4.737443
PL31 1NP 36 0 50.468575 -4.732248
PL31 1NQ 10 0 50.466745 -4.734721
PL31 1NR 41 1 50.467136 -4.733024
PL31 1NS 25 0 50.466589 -4.732936
PL31 1NT 31 0 50.465868 -4.733769
PL31 1NU 8 0 50.466339 -4.733613
PL31 1NW 29 0 50.467971 -4.733101
PL31 1NX 10 0 50.462518 -4.736985
PL31 1NY 78 0 50.466233 -4.731239
PL31 1NZ 74 0 50.468092 -4.731008
PL31 1PA 6 0 50.469662 -4.733452