all postcodes in PL34 / TINTAGEL

find any address or company within the PL34 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL34 0DL 2 0 50.662315 -4.756073
PL34 0DN 14 0 50.657385 -4.756752
PL34 0DR 3 0 50.667058 -4.753936
PL34 0DS 7 0 50.666569 -4.752945
PL34 0DT 21 0 50.65706 -4.750351
PL34 0DU 4 2 50.658023 -4.748412
PL34 0DW 1 1 50.659852 -4.764226
PL34 0DX 4 0 50.654785 -4.752689
PL34 0DY 9 0 50.654125 -4.751594
PL34 0DZ 1 0 50.652731 -4.744325
PL34 0EA 2 0 50.65157 -4.737603
PL34 0EB 8 0 50.667518 -4.742182
PL34 0ED 11 0 50.66621 -4.753306
PL34 0EE 8 0 50.663175 -4.749633
PL34 0EH 28 0 50.651011 -4.751271
PL34 0EJ 6 2 50.651783 -4.75249
PL34 0EL 25 0 50.649737 -4.752682
PL34 0EN 53 1 50.648672 -4.750922
PL34 0EP 5 1 50.646823 -4.755723
PL34 0ER 4 1 50.649202 -4.742563