all postcodes in PL34 / TINTAGEL

find any address or company within the PL34 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL34 0ES 15 0 50.647255 -4.737782
PL34 0ET 47 1 50.645544 -4.73605
PL34 0EU 5 0 50.643533 -4.731553
PL34 0EW 30 0 50.647401 -4.749504
PL34 0EX 4 0 50.642331 -4.740716
PL34 0EY 1 0 50.64557 -4.749736
PL34 0HB 32 5 50.644863 -4.75756
PL34 0HD 3 1 50.645215 -4.748782
PL34 0HE 5 2 50.664343 -4.753876
PL34 0HH 25 4 50.644062 -4.712849
PL34 0HJ 6 1 50.649738 -4.699218
PL34 0HL 27 0 50.661968 -4.715325
PL34 0HN 4 0 50.663198 -4.731846
PL34 0HP 32 0 50.659496 -4.732466
PL34 0HR 20 0 50.654309 -4.732306
PL34 0BS 5 0 50.661469 -4.749873
PL34 0EF 6 0 50.662983 -4.749792
PL34 0DP 8 1 50.664627 -4.752902