all postcodes in PL3 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL3 4NN 49 0 50.39023 -4.140348
PL3 4NP 16 0 50.391056 -4.139429
PL3 4NQ 50 0 50.391857 -4.141871
PL3 4NR 21 0 50.392486 -4.1409
PL3 4NS 11 4 50.387818 -4.13896
PL3 4NT 16 0 50.387413 -4.138477
PL3 4NU 21 7 50.388124 -4.138679
PL3 4NW 13 0 50.389825 -4.138867
PL3 4NY 29 0 50.388528 -4.1375
PL3 4PA 25 0 50.387762 -4.137578
PL3 4PB 11 1 50.388224 -4.136896
PL3 4PD 5 0 50.389547 -4.136393
PL3 4PE 40 0 50.388676 -4.135805
PL3 4PG 25 1 50.388896 -4.137053
PL3 4PH 18 0 50.389657 -4.136763
PL3 4PJ 9 0 50.390848 -4.136085
PL3 4PL 15 0 50.389533 -4.13815
PL3 4PN 16 0 50.390198 -4.137167
PL3 4PP 8 0 50.390639 -4.137652
PL3 4PQ 41 0 50.389692 -4.137314