all postcodes in PL3 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL3 4QS 33 0 50.394671 -4.144333
PL3 4QW 26 0 50.393752 -4.143476
PL3 4RA 45 0 50.387143 -4.137522
PL3 4RB 3 0 50.386837 -4.138015
PL3 4RD 9 0 50.386677 -4.138388
PL3 4RE 8 0 50.386373 -4.13829
PL3 4RF 29 0 50.386674 -4.13784
PL3 4RG 6 2 50.385811 -4.137773
PL3 4RJ 31 1 50.3847 -4.135865
PL3 4RL 40 1 50.38511 -4.135546
PL3 4RN 63 0 50.385282 -4.134006
PL3 4RQ 9 3 50.386086 -4.137997
PL3 4RS 2 2 50.385601 -4.137242
PL3 4RT 2 0 50.385966 -4.13228
PL3 4RU 24 0 50.386313 -4.133743
PL3 4RW 25 0 50.385989 -4.133236
PL3 4RX 18 0 50.385887 -4.134849
PL3 4RY 24 0 50.386023 -4.135784
PL3 4RZ 1 1 50.385385 -4.136234
PL3 4SA 4 0 50.386533 -4.132529