all postcodes in PL5 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL5 3LR 15 14 50.40288 -4.160564
PL5 3LS 17 14 50.40434 -4.159689
PL5 3LT 7 5 50.402279 -4.163351
PL5 3LZ 14 14 50.403563 -4.163494
PL5 3NE 2 1 50.40253 -4.155469
PL5 3NG 1 1 50.402639 -4.154122
PL5 3NH 30 0 50.405868 -4.158012
PL5 3NL 11 0 50.412715 -4.15548
PL5 3NN 6 0 50.412921 -4.158431
PL5 3NP 26 0 50.411013 -4.154586
PL5 3NR 21 1 50.411735 -4.154464
PL5 3NS 21 0 50.412397 -4.15417
PL5 3NT 12 0 50.41196 -4.153025
PL5 3NU 7 0 50.41061 -4.154526
PL5 3NW 11 1 50.410609 -4.156004
PL5 3NX 18 0 50.410896 -4.154145
PL5 3NY 1 1 50.402997 -4.159106
PL5 3NZ 83 0 50.412162 -4.157144
PL5 3PA 23 0 50.411664 -4.154911
PL5 3PB 30 0 50.412411 -4.15586