all postcodes in PL5 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL5 3QH 40 0 50.413365 -4.164997
PL5 3QJ 14 0 50.413551 -4.163724
PL5 3QL 24 0 50.413411 -4.163028
PL5 3QN 17 0 50.413052 -4.161562
PL5 3QP 16 0 50.413833 -4.165482
PL5 3QQ 10 0 50.413536 -4.166004
PL5 3QR 10 0 50.414023 -4.164463
PL5 3QS 8 0 50.413106 -4.166829
PL5 3QT 36 0 50.413853 -4.163456
PL5 3QU 30 0 50.413853 -4.163456
PL5 3QW 8 0 50.414191 -4.167047
PL5 3QX 10 0 50.413501 -4.162539
PL5 3QY 21 0 50.413226 -4.158966
PL5 3QZ 20 0 50.413732 -4.156905
PL5 3RA 9 0 50.414454 -4.157727
PL5 3RB 12 0 50.414957 -4.158721
PL5 3RD 13 0 50.415227 -4.15969
PL5 3RE 12 0 50.41534 -4.16085
PL5 3RF 13 0 50.414436 -4.15919
PL5 3RG 12 0 50.41496 -4.160002