all postcodes in PL6 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL6 8BS 0 50.420984 -4.105737
PL6 8BT 5 50.415799 -4.108421
PL6 8BU 6 50.417212 -4.110159
PL6 8BX 56 50.417617 -4.108854
PL6 8DH 1 50.41672 -4.113684
PL6 8JP 0 50.418758 -4.100458
PL6 8JW 0 50.418472 -4.100361
PL6 8JZ 0 50.405048 -4.091154
PL6 8LB 0 50.392755 -4.084535
PL6 8LD 3 50.394323 -4.087362
PL6 8LE 1 50.402947 -4.101701
PL6 8LF 0 50.399425 -4.097731
PL6 8LG 13 50.396531 -4.092623
PL6 8LH 15 50.395832 -4.0902
PL6 8LJ 1 50.39539 -4.089533
PL6 8LL 1 50.399833 -4.087547
PL6 8LN 0 50.393345 -4.085475
PL6 8LQ 9 50.396117 -4.093153
PL6 8LR 5 50.395397 -4.094416
PL6 8LS 2 50.392411 -4.084647