all postcodes in PL6 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL6 8UH 0 50.419027 -4.102047
PL6 8UL 1 50.417271 -4.101645
PL6 8UN 6 50.411421 -4.100626
PL6 8UQ 1 50.415517 -4.100652
PL6 8UT 0 50.416236 -4.104147
PL6 8UU 0 50.415223 -4.104961
PL6 8UX 0 50.413867 -4.103381
PL6 8UY 0 50.414567 -4.102947
PL6 8UZ 0 50.414283 -4.102766
PL6 8XA 0 50.415236 -4.099261
PL6 8XB 0 50.414781 -4.100592
PL6 8XD 0 50.417171 -4.104203
PL6 8XE 0 50.414581 -4.104651
PL6 8XF 0 50.413327 -4.090435
PL6 8BB 3 3 50.418243 -4.120453
PL6 8LU 5 50.394979 -4.093919
PL6 8WY 1 1 50.412332 -4.166371
PL6 8AJ 0 50.419698 -4.119096
PL6 8AU 0 50.419911 -4.118754
PL6 8AX 0 50.419783 -4.11834