all postcodes in PL9 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL9 0DH 4 0 50.341096 -4.073727
PL9 0DJ 10 0 50.3361 -4.068394
PL9 0DL 5 0 50.333526 -4.060399
PL9 0DN 2 0 50.334302 -4.06857
PL9 0DP 2 0 50.344784 -4.060226
PL9 0DQ 40 0 50.33877 -4.073021
PL9 0DR 3 0 50.352995 -4.060075
PL9 0DS 22 0 50.323144 -4.111145
PL9 0DT 18 0 50.323127 -4.109627
PL9 0DU 17 0 50.323769 -4.109416
PL9 0DW 14 0 50.3456 -4.062412
PL9 0DY 32 1 50.32996 -4.090328
PL9 0DZ 10 2 50.326005 -4.079168
PL9 0EA 31 1 50.328865 -4.06659
PL9 0EB 32 5 50.328532 -4.066268
PL9 0EE 3 0 50.316018 -4.066736
PL9 0EF 11 0 50.323534 -4.062861
PL9 0EG 6 0 50.326301 -4.063037
PL9 0EH 4 0 50.312057 -4.05426
PL9 0EJ 4 0 50.314108 -4.055247