all postcodes in PL9 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL9 0JP 2 0 50.32442 -4.076009
PL9 0JQ 8 0 50.324866 -4.071419
PL9 0JR 6 0 50.323107 -4.07425
PL9 0JS 3 0 50.322646 -4.074371
PL9 0JT 10 0 50.323456 -4.071821
PL9 0JU 16 0 50.32225 -4.07389
PL9 0JW 2 0 50.323546 -4.074551
PL9 0JX 6 0 50.322763 -4.074853
PL9 0JY 6 0 50.322301 -4.074524
PL9 0JZ 18 0 50.323467 -4.072692
PL9 0LA 7 0 50.322299 -4.075648
PL9 0LB 15 0 50.321091 -4.076312
PL9 0LD 4 0 50.320695 -4.079357
PL9 0LE 10 0 50.326988 -4.070977
PL9 0LF 20 0 50.326692 -4.070388
PL9 0LG 14 0 50.326906 -4.072055
PL9 0LH 12 0 50.327714 -4.06758
PL9 0LQ 7 0 50.323447 -4.073844
PL9 0YR 1 1 50.365584 -4.105463
PL9 0AB 1 1 50.337463 -4.126929