all postcodes in PO11 / HAYLING ISLAND

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO11 0RE 39 0 50.794328 -0.987969
PO11 0RF 10 0 50.793561 -0.98787
PO11 0RH 1 0 50.815684 -0.965207
PO11 0RJ 8 0 50.815693 -0.964156
PO11 0RL 20 1 50.81342 -0.9606
PO11 0RN 13 0 50.815748 -0.958193
PO11 0RP 1 0 50.817757 -0.961683
PO11 0RQ 2 1 50.814932 -0.964697
PO11 0RR 49 0 50.791882 -0.985908
PO11 0RS 35 0 50.79097 -0.986481
PO11 0RT 37 0 50.821863 -0.963225
PO11 0RU 7 0 50.820804 -0.962482
PO11 0RX 29 0 50.82605 -0.96296
PO11 0RZ 4 0 50.82544 -0.96404
PO11 0SA 16 0 50.822147 -0.960805
PO11 0SB 11 0 50.824113 -0.962479
PO11 0SD 11 0 50.826479 -0.961603
PO11 0SE 16 0 50.828672 -0.962478
PO11 0SH 20 0 50.791116 -0.984676
PO11 0SJ 30 0 50.829639 -0.960951