all postcodes in PO12 / LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO12 1SG 8 0 50.792091 -1.137117
PO12 1SH 1 1 50.791971 -1.129458
PO12 1SJ 5 3 50.791368 -1.131838
PO12 1SL 6 5 50.792281 -1.131183
PO12 1SP 1 1 50.794443 -1.12598
PO12 1SQ 4 1 50.791555 -1.137609
PO12 1SR 43 0 50.79027 -1.138924
PO12 1SS 3 0 50.791966 -1.13749
PO12 1ST 5 1 50.792232 -1.136774
PO12 1SU 62 0 50.789935 -1.127793
PO12 1SX 2 0 50.793328 -1.134214
PO12 1TA 15 0 50.793977 -1.12952
PO12 1TB 40 0 50.793707 -1.130745
PO12 1TD 37 0 50.79348 -1.131572
PO12 1TE 15 0 50.792966 -1.131412
PO12 1TF 15 0 50.793061 -1.130927
PO12 1TG 15 0 50.792689 -1.130424
PO12 1TH 17 0 50.793456 -1.129601
PO12 1TJ 12 0 50.794147 -1.130767
PO12 1TQ 15 0 50.792633 -1.131347