all postcodes in PO12 / LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT

find any address or company within the PO12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO12 1PW 25 0 50.794599 -1.136957
PO12 1PX 33 0 50.796606 -1.137247
PO12 1PY 40 0 50.79734 -1.135602
PO12 1PZ 50 0 50.796359 -1.137918
PO12 1QA 32 1 50.793907 -1.138276
PO12 1QB 46 0 50.793966 -1.137778
PO12 1QD 4 0 50.796173 -1.137042
PO12 1QE 7 3 50.793316 -1.135009
PO12 1QG 44 1 50.792409 -1.137579
PO12 1QH 45 0 50.791112 -1.138483
PO12 1QJ 5 0 50.790604 -1.137896
PO12 1QL 7 0 50.790742 -1.137099
PO12 1QN 2 0 50.790561 -1.135913
PO12 1QP 21 0 50.791358 -1.136464
PO12 1QQ 32 0 50.792409 -1.137579
PO12 1QR 28 0 50.791144 -1.136808
PO12 1QS 16 0 50.790699 -1.136121
PO12 1QT 13 0 50.791358 -1.135357
PO12 1QU 21 0 50.791236 -1.135757
PO12 1QX 6 0 50.790656 -1.135157