all postcodes in PO12 / LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO12 1QY 42 0 50.791229 -1.13492
PO12 1QZ 62 0 50.79048 -1.132054
PO12 1RA 64 0 50.790677 -1.132036
PO12 1RB 32 0 50.790385 -1.129005
PO12 1RD 39 0 50.790042 -1.130104
PO12 1RE 46 0 50.78987 -1.131072
PO12 1RF 7 0 50.789586 -1.131659
PO12 1RG 24 0 50.789375 -1.130982
PO12 1RJ 19 0 50.791012 -1.132499
PO12 1RH 1 1 50.791106 -1.131631
PO12 1RL 6 6 50.791049 -1.131234
PO12 1RP 36 0 50.79523 -1.1311
PO12 1RR 4 4 50.794688 -1.126031
PO12 1RS 44 0 50.791689 -1.132799
PO12 1RT 6 0 50.792384 -1.13304
PO12 1RU 31 0 50.79166 -1.133521
PO12 1RX 47 0 50.791943 -1.134084
PO12 1SA 9 0 50.793265 -1.135421
PO12 1SD 5 4 50.792519 -1.135607
PO12 1SE 32 15 50.792136 -1.137359