all postcodes in PO13 / LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO13 9SJ 28 0 50.809927 -1.167332
PO13 9SL 1 0 50.812823 -1.178792
PO13 9SP 16 6 50.812837 -1.174363
PO13 9SQ 32 0 50.810571 -1.166767
PO13 9SR 8 0 50.811867 -1.174622
PO13 9SS 14 0 50.812761 -1.173854
PO13 9ST 5 0 50.811837 -1.174083
PO13 9SU 3 1 50.81126 -1.172674
PO13 9SX 24 0 50.812506 -1.173319
PO13 9SY 32 0 50.812085 -1.176123
PO13 9SZ 12 0 50.812814 -1.174932
PO13 9TA 12 0 50.812129 -1.178535
PO13 9TB 12 0 50.812418 -1.177437
PO13 9TD 36 0 50.811379 -1.175468
PO13 9TE 12 0 50.811302 -1.177329
PO13 9TF 48 0 50.810786 -1.176784
PO13 9TG 12 0 50.8119 -1.177943
PO13 9TH 8 0 50.8094 -1.177944
PO13 9TJ 32 0 50.810662 -1.179696
PO13 9TL 50 0 50.810686 -1.18049