all postcodes in PO13 / LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT

find any address or company within the PO13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO13 9ND 1 0 50.804848 -1.204945
PO13 9NE 3 0 50.805216 -1.204854
PO13 9NF 7 0 50.805307 -1.203904
PO13 9NH 12 0 50.809241 -1.212336
PO13 9NJ 16 0 50.811538 -1.216896
PO13 9NL 2 0 50.812703 -1.219037
PO13 9NP 3 0 50.811759 -1.214976
PO13 9NR 10 0 50.809596 -1.213071
PO13 9NS 4 0 50.808536 -1.210633
PO13 9NT 22 0 50.805843 -1.205837
PO13 9NU 44 0 50.806845 -1.205039
PO13 9NX 5 0 50.807869 -1.203602
PO13 9NZ 1 1 50.807506 -1.196583
PO13 9PA 6 0 50.810697 -1.189872
PO13 9PB 2 1 50.814142 -1.184889
PO13 9PD 10 0 50.807317 -1.19785
PO13 9PE 3 0 50.807333 -1.205357
PO13 9PF 2 1 50.811735 -1.191772
PO13 9PL 15 0 50.80899 -1.164496
PO13 9PN 38 0 50.808618 -1.16534