all postcodes in PO13 / LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT

find any address or company within the PO13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO13 9JW 19 0 50.804569 -1.202296
PO13 9JX 27 0 50.803102 -1.204833
PO13 9LA 38 0 50.800827 -1.202204
PO13 9LB 4 4 50.80115 -1.203291
PO13 9LD 33 14 50.801774 -1.202613
PO13 9LE 8 0 50.801813 -1.203211
PO13 9LJ 6 0 50.803384 -1.200032
PO13 9LL 9 4 50.801888 -1.203392
PO13 9LN 24 0 50.803699 -1.20532
PO13 9LP 2 0 50.807346 -1.195609
PO13 9LR 8 0 50.802041 -1.203489
PO13 9LS 2 0 50.804658 -1.205036
PO13 9LT 44 0 50.804546 -1.205589
PO13 9LU 26 2 50.806664 -1.203524
PO13 9LW 54 1 50.804416 -1.206187
PO13 9LX 31 1 50.804869 -1.20283
PO13 9LY 18 0 50.802349 -1.203781
PO13 9LZ 7 0 50.806812 -1.204217
PO13 9NA 16 0 50.805622 -1.202463
PO13 9NB 2 0 50.804401 -1.204203