all postcodes in PO14 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO14 2RQ 10 0 50.815349 -1.216535
PO14 2RR 5 0 50.822144 -1.213369
PO14 2RS 17 0 50.821516 -1.213592
PO14 2RT 28 0 50.821558 -1.213109
PO14 2RU 8 0 50.820726 -1.21247
PO14 2RW 7 0 50.822388 -1.212257
PO14 2RX 12 0 50.820664 -1.211349
PO14 2RY 15 0 50.821263 -1.212077
PO14 2RZ 18 0 50.822026 -1.211908
PO14 2SA 3 0 50.819631 -1.210117
PO14 2SB 7 0 50.819817 -1.209745
PO14 2SD 14 0 50.819092 -1.210254
PO14 2SE 18 0 50.819575 -1.211126
PO14 2SF 17 0 50.820241 -1.211186
PO14 2SG 24 0 50.82008 -1.212651
PO14 2SH 7 0 50.819071 -1.211149
PO14 2SJ 10 0 50.819232 -1.212353
PO14 2SL 10 0 50.819705 -1.20908
PO14 2SN 49 0 50.815841 -1.214794
PO14 2SP 16 0 50.819267 -1.20815