all postcodes in PO14 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO14 2NP 27 0 50.81582 -1.211757
PO14 2NQ 8 1 50.814884 -1.214257
PO14 2NR 15 0 50.816996 -1.215428
PO14 2NS 19 0 50.816521 -1.217083
PO14 2NT 3 0 50.817282 -1.216516
PO14 2NU 4 0 50.81754 -1.216115
PO14 2NW 20 0 50.816471 -1.21098
PO14 2NX 18 0 50.817641 -1.215034
PO14 2NY 23 0 50.818215 -1.214797
PO14 2NZ 40 0 50.818346 -1.214327
PO14 2PA 28 0 50.818421 -1.216086
PO14 2PB 7 0 50.817103 -1.212616
PO14 2PD 8 0 50.820877 -1.213603
PO14 2PE 32 4 50.818798 -1.21324
PO14 2PF 2 0 50.820841 -1.21494
PO14 2PG 23 0 50.819661 -1.21324
PO14 2PH 27 0 50.821068 -1.216581
PO14 2PJ 11 0 50.82135 -1.215639
PO14 2PL 4 1 50.822348 -1.21558
PO14 2PN 9 2 50.821396 -1.21446