all postcodes in PO14 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO14 2PP 17 5 50.823173 -1.214135
PO14 2PQ 31 0 50.818626 -1.211809
PO14 2PS 8 0 50.816769 -1.213757
PO14 2PT 8 4 50.81564 -1.212981
PO14 2PU 11 0 50.819747 -1.215283
PO14 2PW 11 0 50.821671 -1.21525
PO14 2PX 7 0 50.819952 -1.216401
PO14 2PY 18 0 50.819947 -1.215634
PO14 2PZ 12 0 50.819359 -1.21651
PO14 2QA 4 0 50.825151 -1.212594
PO14 2QB 27 0 50.825734 -1.212286
PO14 2QD 17 0 50.825715 -1.21081
PO14 2QE 7 0 50.826275 -1.211226
PO14 2QF 9 0 50.826737 -1.211659
PO14 2QG 29 0 50.826671 -1.209956
PO14 2QH 8 0 50.824973 -1.208778
PO14 2QJ 25 0 50.824148 -1.209147
PO14 2QL 7 0 50.823246 -1.208779
PO14 2QN 32 0 50.822977 -1.207633
PO14 2QP 30 0 50.823998 -1.206934