all postcodes in PO17 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO17 5DS 8 0 50.881706 -1.206026
PO17 5DT 3 0 50.881544 -1.205944
PO17 5DU 9 0 50.881649 -1.205573
PO17 5GW 12 0 50.903716 -1.18459
PO17 5EU 32 0 50.899546 -1.189726
PO17 5FN 20 0 50.899891 -1.190487
PO17 5PN 1 50.884055 -1.20731
PO17 5PW 0 50.880102 -1.205471
PO17 5PY 0 50.880656 -1.205007
PO17 5PZ 0 50.880359 -1.204855
PO17 5QB 0 50.880097 -1.204703
PO17 5QD 0 50.880015 -1.204591
PO17 5BQ 2 0 50.896971 -1.190596
PO17 5DZ 0 50.879841 -1.204097
PO17 5GH 0 50.879773 -1.204737
PO17 5GJ 0 50.879537 -1.204429
PO17 5GL 11 0 50.8789 -1.204567
PO17 5FW 6 0 50.879929 -1.202531
PO17 5FZ 9 0 50.879923 -1.202972
PO17 5GN 9 0 50.879729 -1.203544