all postcodes in PO17 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO17 5GP 9 0 50.879561 -1.203902
PO17 5GQ 6 0 50.879467 -1.203406
PO17 5GR 1 1 50.882803 -1.202056
PO17 5GS 5 0 50.887652 -1.181544
PO17 5GT 20 0 50.904297 -1.186656
PO17 5GU 1 1 50.904807 -1.187515
PO17 5GX 0 50.901998 -1.185517
PO17 5QE 0 50.883682 -1.206748
PO17 6AA 3 1 50.862847 -1.164486
PO17 6AB 15 9 50.862903 -1.16352
PO17 6AD 1 1 50.859199 -1.126786
PO17 6AH 1 0 50.87194 -1.129078
PO17 6AJ 5 3 50.862782 -1.160509
PO17 6AN 1 1 50.860862 -1.138889
PO17 6AP 5 0 50.857923 -1.124565
PO17 6AR 6 6 50.857615 -1.108871
PO17 6AS 3 0 50.870694 -1.144166
PO17 6AT 5 0 50.869148 -1.13814
PO17 6AU 4 2 50.874141 -1.125029
PO17 6AW 10 0 50.857198 -1.132279