all postcodes in PO22 / BOGNOR REGIS

find any address or company within the PO22 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO22 0EE 20 1 50.838207 -0.647378
PO22 0EF 25 0 50.84037 -0.645469
PO22 0EG 25 0 50.840573 -0.64589
PO22 0HA 8 0 50.840716 -0.646638
PO22 0EH 17 1 50.8362 -0.644923
PO22 0EJ 36 0 50.834796 -0.647164
PO22 0EL 37 0 50.835288 -0.646923
PO22 0EN 1 1 50.833628 -0.644954
PO22 0EP 17 0 50.833333 -0.643515
PO22 0EQ 16 0 50.836011 -0.645723
PO22 0ER 23 12 50.83161 -0.641505
PO22 0ES 25 8 50.831659 -0.640368
PO22 0ET 2 0 50.835679 -0.643411
PO22 0EU 32 0 50.831806 -0.643729
PO22 0EW 22 2 50.834102 -0.643166
PO22 0EX 2 0 50.831156 -0.64428
PO22 0GN 20 0 50.832153 -0.639516
PO22 0EY 8 0 50.835825 -0.644436
PO22 0GW 12 0 50.831829 -0.639511
PO22 0HB 11 9 50.832048 -0.640548